generate stats instantly!
These SEVEN custom dice generate all six of the 3-18 stats instantly. It's one roll of the dice, no math,
with odds virtually the same as the "4d6 drop the lowest" method!
How the heck do they work??
The most common results (7 to 17) are on one or more sides of the special 20-sided dice. If any die rolls a Star, then the 12-sided resolves the less likely results (3 to 6 & 18).
Using this method the Rapid Stat Dice’s odds are very close to the “4d6 drop the lowest” method. As you can see, the odds don’t deviate by more than 2.5 percentage points. In use, it’s not even noticeable!
A more detailed explanation (with some math)
This part is pretty dry, but if you really want to know…
Each side of a 20-sided has a 5% chance of being rolled, so every stat result that rounds to a 5% chance gets one side of the die. Results that round to 10% get two sides, and those that round to 15% get three sides. This covers 95% of the results: 7 to 17,
The other possible results of 3-6 & 18 have a combined chance of close to 5%, so they get relegated to the remaining side of the 20-sided: the Star.
When a Star comes up you consult the custom 12-sided to determine the result. Each side has an approximately 8.33% chance of being rolled. Since our 12-sided is used once out of every twenty die rolls, each side represents 1/20th of 8.33%, or 0.42% chance.
In the “4d6 drop the lowest” method the result of 18 has a 1.68% chance of being rolled, so with Rapid Stat Dice we put 18 on four sides on our 12-sided. Since four times 0.42% equals 1.68%, its virtually the same odds.